This notebook shows a simple system for performing retrieval of musical tracks using LSH.
Import libraries:
import librosa
import os
import os.path
Set figure size:
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15, 5)
Select training data:
training_dir = '../train/'
training_files = [os.path.join(training_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(training_dir)]
Define a hash function:
def hash_func(vecs, projections):
bools = dot(vecs, projections.T) > 0
return [bool2int(bool_vec) for bool_vec in bools]
def bool2int(x):
y = 0
for i,j in enumerate(x):
if j: y += 1<<i
return y
bool2int([False, True, False, True])
X = randn(10,100)
P = randn(3,100)
hash_func(X, P)
class Table:
def __init__(self, hash_size, dim):
self.table = dict()
self.hash_size = hash_size
self.projections = randn(self.hash_size, dim)
def add(self, vecs, label):
entry = {'label': label}
hashes = hash_func(vecs, self.projections)
for h in hashes:
if self.table.has_key(h):
self.table[h] = [entry]
def query(self, vecs):
hashes = hash_func(vecs, self.projections)
results = list()
for h in hashes:
if self.table.has_key(h):
return results
class LSH:
def __init__(self, dim):
self.num_tables = 4
self.hash_size = 8
self.tables = list()
for i in range(self.num_tables):
self.tables.append(Table(self.hash_size, dim))
def add(self, vecs, label):
for table in self.tables:
table.add(vecs, label)
def query(self, vecs):
results = list()
for table in self.tables:
return results
def describe(self):
for table in self.tables:
print table.table
class MusicSearch:
def __init__(self, training_files):
self.frame_size = 4096
self.hop_size = 4000
self.fv_size = 12
self.lsh = LSH(self.fv_size)
self.training_files = training_files
self.num_features_in_file = dict()
for f in self.training_files:
self.num_features_in_file[f] = 0
def train(self):
for filepath in self.training_files:
x, fs = librosa.load(filepath)
features = librosa.feature.chromagram(x, fs, n_fft=self.frame_size, hop_length=self.hop_size).T
self.lsh.add(features, filepath)
self.num_features_in_file[filepath] += len(features)
def query(self, filepath):
x, fs = librosa.load(filepath)
features = librosa.feature.chromagram(x, fs, n_fft=self.frame_size, hop_length=self.hop_size).T
results = self.lsh.query(features)
print 'num results', len(results)
counts = dict()
for r in results:
if counts.has_key(r['label']):
counts[r['label']] += 1
counts[r['label']] = 1
for k in counts:
counts[k] = float(counts[k])/self.num_features_in_file[k]
return counts
ms = MusicSearch(training_files)
test_file = '../test/brennan03.wav'
results = ms.query(test_file)
Display the results:
for r in sorted(results, key=results.get, reverse=True):
print r, results[r]